Philipp Schneider

Cyber Security Engineer


01 May 2021

Use KeePass to automatically open authenticated nsupdate

This is a quick guide on how to configure to open nsupdate with a configured tsigkey stored in KeePass. nsupdate...

09 Dec 2019

Dotnet project layout with MSBuild 15+

Recently I stumbled upon an article by Filip W. in which he wrote about Solution-wide Nuget package version handling with...

09 Dec 2019

Configuring Debian 10 (Buster) as a Tor router

Recently I needed to route the traffic of a application through Tor, but said did not support any kind of...

07 May 2019

Analyse des Netzwerkverkehrs der RWE Smarthome Zentraleinheit V1

Bei der RWE Smarthome Zentraleinheit V1 handelt es sich uim eine von RWE vertriebene Hausautomatisierungs Lösung. Die Zentraleinheit kommuniziert mit...

08 Aug 2017

Continuous deployment of a ASP.NET core website

This guide will elaborate on how to automatically deploy a ASP.NET core website to a Linux host using GitLab and...

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